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Studying at CONSMUPA

Extracurricular activities


Welcome to our Institution!

The Conservatorio Superior de Música “Eduardo Martínez Torner” (CONSMUPA) is located in Oviedo, the capital city of Asturias. 

Asturias is a beautiful region situated in the north of Spain that offers a great wealth of landscapes due to its closeness both to the Atlantic coast and to the Cantabrian Mountains. It has over one million inhabitants and a surface area of approximately 10,000 km2.
Oviedo is a hospitable city of nearly 210,000 inhabitants that has a vibrant music scene. Apart from the Conservatory, Oviedo is the seat of two professional symphony orchestras: OSPA and Oviedo Filarmonía as well as other organizations, such as the Asociación de Amigos de la Ópera, the Sociedad Filarmónica or The Prince of Asturias Foundation, that contribute to enhance its rich musical environment. Oviedo offers you a varied program of excellent quality, so you can choose what moves you the most: Opera, Zarzuela, Dance, Symphonic concerts, Ancient Music… 

Welcome to CONSMUPA as an exchange student or teacher! We are looking forward to meeting you! 

Dr. Fernando Agüeria Cueva 

Director of CONSMUPA 


The “Eduardo Martínez Torner” Higher Conservatory of Music (CONSMUPA) is a public institution under the authority of theConsejería de Educación y Universidades of the Principality of Asturias.

The Conservatory, that celebrated its 125 anniversary in the 2008/2009 academic year, is situated in the so-called Deán Payarinos’ House (a former residence of the canon of Oviedo Benigno Rodríguez Pajares). It contributes to the animated musical activity in the one-thousand-year-old city of Oviedo, which having only slightly more than 200,000 inhabitants has gained the title of the “small Spanish Vienna”. The building, after a complete renovation inside, was inaugurated by the King and Queen of Spain in November 1987. The Conservatory was name after the distinguished and beloved musicologistEduardo Martínez Torner (1888–1955) who was born in Oviedo,.

In 1988, the institution received the title of Higher Conservatory of Music. Its teaching staff was constituted by members of the Asturian Symphony Orchestra. New majors were created and since 1990 the education on offer has been extended thanks to the incorporations of new professors from different parts of Spain, the new Symphony Orchestra of the Principality of Asturias and the “Moscow Virtuosi” Orchestra. This is how a multidisciplinary and international team was created. Thanks to their shared experience and teamwork, the best education on offer within the Spanish higher music education institutions has been generated.

In 1994, CONSMUPA initiated its international cooperation projects by joining the European Association of Conservatoires (AEC) and in 2004 it hosted the LI International AEC Congress, which was a historical event for the country.

Two years later, the institution received the Erasmus Charter granted by the European Community, authorizing it to organize mobility projects for students and staff within the European educational institutions, as well as to participate in the creation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) issued from the Bologna Declaration. These were the fundamental experiences for taking part in other inter-institutional programmes, such as Music across the Atlantic, with Indiana University South Bend (USA), in order to work together in the fields of music creation and performance.
